SkinTyte is a fast, safe, and effective treatment utilizing Sciton’s BBL platform used to target and effectively coagulate soft tissue, thus restoring your skins youthful elasticity and appearance.
What is the SkinTyte Treatment?
The SkinTyte treatment uses advanced infra-red light technology to deeply heat soft tissue while cooling your skin simultaneously using sapphire contact cooling (while protecting the skin’s surface). This non invasive procedure yields amazing results that are predictable, effective, and safe.
The Process
As your skin is deeply heated and cooled, the SkinTyte process causes soft tissue coagulation which promotes deep tissue healing. This stimulates your body’s natural healing process to begin, which in turn leads to increased tissue firming. As each patient is different, we use a variety of filters based on the patient’s needed application to deeply heat dermal collagen while also protecting the epidermis for optimal results!
Is it Painful?
The treatment is virtually painless. Patients may feel a rapid, gentle pulse during treatment.
How long does the treatment take?
Depending on how many areas are being treated, the SkinTyte treatment can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 1 hour.
When will I see results?
Visible results vary patient to patient with most clients seeing results after the 2nd or 3rd treatment. Treatment plans vary based on the patient and specific application.