Skin care treatment that removes dead skin cells and "peach fuzz" from face using small sterile blade, can be done on all skin types, especially good for sensitive skin. Reveals skin that looks brighter, smoother, glowing, and more youthful; smoother makeup application.

Dermaplaning Pre and Post Care
Dermaplane Pre- Care
It may take multiple treatments to visualize improvements.
Improved smoothness, texture, luminescence
Improved mild photo damaged skin-mottle pigmentation
Comedonal acne
Improves acne scarring
Exfoliation is contraindicated for those with active infection of all types, such as herpes simplex virus or flat warts.
Active acne
Uncontrolled diabetes
Eczema, dermatitis
Skin Cancer
Vascular lesions
Oral blood thinner
Tattoos - not effective
Dermaplane Post Care
Use recommended skincare products, ultra gentle cleansers
Discontinue use of hydroxyl acids and retinols following your treatment for approximately 3 days.
Do not use harsh scrubs or abrasive loofahs following your treatment for at least 3 days.
Avoid direct sun exposure and wear a sunscreen daily.
Avoid vigorous activity and hot heat.
Do not go swimming or put face under water.
Do not take long hot showers or put face under a hot stream of water.
Avoid drinking alcohol.
Avoid surfaces that could irritate your skin i.e. pillows, beards, collared or turtleneck shirts.
Do not pick or prematurely peel the skin, as this will cause hyper pigmentation and/or surface scars.
Return to the office as directed by provider or sooner with any complications.
If you have any questions or concerns contact our office.